CCG Systems presents Revenue Enhancement:
The ‘new normal’ limits face-to-face interaction, impacting queries, incidents and communication, however, with the CCG Mobile MuniPort, everything is at the customers’ fingertips.
CCG Systems introduces the CCG Mobile MuniPort. This solution is geared to any business or individual with a municipal account.
The CCG Mobile MuniPort improves revenue collection by providing customers the ability to take accountability to avoid unforeseen debt when dealing with their accounts. Customers now
have the power to view, manage, and submit meter readings as well as view properties under one account.
It is integrated with the popular WhatsApp application which many are familiar with. The system enables customers to submit meter readings, view and save statements, raise queries such as abnormal meter readings, and report incidents such as leakages or burst pipes, all via the WhatsApp application.
As this service is available via WhatsApp, there is no need for the customer to download another third party application. Additionally, this solution allows municipal account holders to make payment as well.